Following is my observation
- First impresion of the book, i think Syed wants to relate on the believes in the Majority Muslim world to the Bible, Which is earlier tried to be conveyed by Saim Bakar in quite a long article found here, i think i first read it in 2006 in FM forum. Here is a copy of it
- Syed did repeat some of the points that pointed out by Saim Bakar, elaborated in some cases and quite carefull in some cases( e.g Mensturation for Women, he did not touch on Women approaching prayers during mensturation).
- Syed also relate his observation and comments on it, its usual in his other books,
- Syed also establish a causal connection with from the majority muslim rituals to other religion, i.e Hindu, Buddha. And points out that the Quran does not ask the Muslims to those rituals.
- A dedicated chapter for the popular Mufti of Perlis on the Israiliah Stories. i.e Dr Mohamed Asri. Explained why he is popular, because of releasing Malaysian muslim of previous mufti's dogma
- Points out a lot of silly things that Malaysian muslim trying to achieve. e.g Islamic Car.
It is just good to hear that he is writing again after we heard that he is caught by the police under sedition act.
My opinion, comparing his earlier books, this book will be scruntinize by the authorities and i believe it will be a challenge for this book to appear in the book stores in Malaysia.