Friday, August 7, 2009

Heroes Redemption Comic Con Teaser

Following post will include Spoilers that you should not know until September 21st.

This new teaser is out for one week and damn... i didnt catch it on youtube... Anyway the overall teaser looks superbly amazing.. i would expect Volume 5, Redemption would be more drama rather than super power fighting and special effects.. although i ate up Volume 3, Villans (papa Petrelli was awesome villain) and Volume 4, Fugitive (overall a good storyline and mini arcs, Sylar was wicked)

For those who didt catch volume finale for Fugitive, Nathan was killed by Sylar, Sylar was paralyze by Peter, somehow Angela and HRG manage to convince Matt Parkman to use his mind mojo jojo to convice Sylar that he is Nathan.
If you find that is complicated, it is because it is complicated..

So one of the story arcs we can expect to see in Volume 5 is that Nathan being a ticking time bom waiting to change to Sylar...

Some notable new characters in Volume 5

Samuel Sullivan

  • My Guess this guy is a ring leader for a Carnival ring for special people.
  • Hid Mojo is called Terakenesis, ability to move the earth..
  • Most probably the new villain for Volume 5.

  • This girl have someting to do with tatoos
  • Since we do not have Mr Issac anymore i would think that her tatoos are precognitive in nature

My hopes for Volume 5
  • Claire to shut up on trying to be normal.. the "trying to be normal" story arc is beginning to stale
  • Peter to get his full powers back so that he could kick the ass off sylar butt(sorry there sylar fans)
  • Ali Larter to stay in the show..she's totally fine....
  • No more Danco..we had enough of him already..
Thats my list so far.. hope Heroes redeem itself with Volume 5.

p/s: Ali Larter just got married..... AAaarrrghh!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

after a month of sore eye

after a month of having a Hordeolum on the right eye, went to Pantai to have the uppercut on the eye lid

So this is the outcome....


Bad Huh...cant get myself to smile for the camera..
good thing is that i felt like Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) from Pirate of the Caribbeans...that much closer to be a Don Juan De Marco.. haha